Friday, September 11, 2009

On where I was when the world stopped turning

Eight years ago today, my mom said to me, "I still remember where I was the moment I heard President Kennedy had been assassinated."  At the time, I believe my mom around 4 years old.  I thought she was crazy when she said that I would never forget where I was the morning of September 11, 2001.

This morning as I was taking Jay to school, I heard that Alan Jackson song about September 11th and through held back tears, I remembered exactly where I was eight years ago today.  I have already cried twice this morning, maybe I'm just emotionally nuts right now do to raging hormones.  Or maybe I'm just realizing how much something that I never thought would effect my life has actually changed my world.

Exactly eight years ago this moment, I was laying in bed calling my then significant other, Terry, to see what he was doing.  He told me that planes were crashing into the World Trade Center and I honestly thought he was joking.  My son was in the hospital still, which meant that I was in the state capital and people were scared to death of a plane coming into the city.  I was less than 10 miles from the airport and scared to death for my son.  I remember my mom coming into the hospital that morning and telling me that gas was over $5 a gallon in Indy.  I remember staring at the television later that night watching candlelight vigils around the world.

I had no idea that seven years later, I would be seeing one of our dearest friends off to Iraq to a war that was still going on.  I hate war, but never so much as when I had to watch a 21 year old man get on a plane and leave his son and family for over 15 months.

I hope that today we can all remember where we were.  Remember those who lost their lives on this day and the families they left behind.  Whether we agree with this war that is still going on or not, I believe that supporting the men and women who are in the military deserve or support and respect.

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