Thursday, May 27, 2010

On being a bad blogger

I'm sorry that my posts have been few and far between lately. I'm just here, enjoying every minute with my new family of four. I never realized that being a work-at-home mom would be so consuming. I swear I work harder keeping this house in order than I ever have in a day at the newspaper.

But this face makes my hard work and lack of time for myself very worthwhile.

Jay gets out of school on Tuesday, so my life will be a little less hectic since I won't have to drive 20 minutes to his school twice a day. Of course, I'll also be home alone with 2 kids for 14 hours a day, so maybe it won't be any less hectic. We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, what a sweet baby girl!!!

    best of luck to ya...summer is an adjustment for all, much less having a new little cutie patootie to take care of!

    {ur not a bad blogger} have a great weekend!:)
