Tuesday, March 23, 2010

On My Amy

A girl's gotta have friends  and I have been blessed with a super group of them! Today, I'd like to introduce you to the other half of my best friend, My Amy.

I met Amy years ago when I become the editor of my paper. She was the graphic artist. And honestly, she's one of the best graphic artists I know. You may think that's a small number, but for some strange reason I know tons of graphic artists. Maybe because I work in newspapers?

When Amy quit her job to leave me earlier this year, I almost quit with her. That's how smoothly this lady makes my work life run. She went from being just my co-worker to the maid of honor in my wedding and soon, the godmother of little Bean.

It's hard to describe why I love Amy so much. She is probably the nicest person I know. Which is nice, because I can be the not nicest person around. She, like Micah, makes me a nicer person by association.

She loves Jay and she is so excited about Bean coming! I called her when they moved my c-section up and I can honestly say that had it not been for her enthusiasm, I would have been flipping out. But she was excited that it was moved because she is the maid of honor in another wedding the day after my first c-section date and she was going to have to wait 2 whole days to drive 4 long hours to see Bean.

Amy is younger than I am, which can cause problems in the cultural reference portion of our relationship. She didn't know the Shirt Tales. She had to ask me who Corey Haim was. But, I love her nonetheless. 

If we go a day without talking, there will be a late night text somewhere along the lines of - I miss you. I can't believe I didn't talk to you today. 

She was the first person to know I was pregnant. She was the first person other than Micah and me to know Bean's gender. She called me from the toilet to tell me the Fed Ex man just brought her wedding invitations. 

Amy really is the best friend a girl could ask for and I'm so glad that despite a 4 hour separation, she became my best friend!


  1. I am so glad you found someone like that. It is amazing to have a true friend. Sometimes that is the only way I make it through things. I always love it when I can be a true friend back. She sounds like a wonderful person.
